Lunes, 22 de Septiembre de 2014
Hola a tod@s!! ¿Qué tal vuestro finde? ¿Y qué tal lleváis lunes? Espero que no esté siendo muy duro jeje.
El último día de rebajas me pasé por Lefties, a ver si encontraba algo interesante, y encontré este vestidito. Es el mismo estampado que el croptop que he mostrado anteriormente por aquí, pero me pareció tan ideal con esa espalda... que no me pude resistir. Además, el precio era increíble, así que cambio un poquillo el refrán "lo bonito, si es barato, 2 veces bonito". Espero que os guste tanto como a mí.
Muchas gracias por vuestras visitas y comentarios. Besitos y feliz comienzo de semana.
El último día de rebajas me pasé por Lefties, a ver si encontraba algo interesante, y encontré este vestidito. Es el mismo estampado que el croptop que he mostrado anteriormente por aquí, pero me pareció tan ideal con esa espalda... que no me pude resistir. Además, el precio era increíble, así que cambio un poquillo el refrán "lo bonito, si es barato, 2 veces bonito". Espero que os guste tanto como a mí.
Muchas gracias por vuestras visitas y comentarios. Besitos y feliz comienzo de semana.
Hi everyone! How was your weekend? And how is your Monday going? I hope it's not being too hard lol.
The last day of sales I visited Lefties to see if there was something interesting, and I found it! This beautiful dress. It's the same print as the crop top I've shown here, but it was too perfect with that back ... I couldn't resist to buy it. Furthermore, the price was amazing. So, as we say in spanish: "Something beautiful, when it's cheap, it's twice beautiful." Hope you like it as much as me.
Thank you very much for your visits and comments. Many kisses and happy beginning of the week.
The last day of sales I visited Lefties to see if there was something interesting, and I found it! This beautiful dress. It's the same print as the crop top I've shown here, but it was too perfect with that back ... I couldn't resist to buy it. Furthermore, the price was amazing. So, as we say in spanish: "Something beautiful, when it's cheap, it's twice beautiful." Hope you like it as much as me.
Thank you very much for your visits and comments. Many kisses and happy beginning of the week.
Vestido/Dress: Lefties
Zapatos/Shoes: Bershka
Bolso/Bag & Pulsera/Bracelet: Primark
Collar/Necklace: Blanco
Gafas/Sunglasses: Ribot
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